"Hello!", "Holla!", "Bonjour!", "Hallo!", "Ni hao!", "Privyet!", "Moshi-moshi!"........
There are lots of language in the world. The americans,they have the English language; the Chinese and Taiwanese have the Mandarin; in India, they have the Hindi; Spanish for Spain; Arabic for Arabians; Benglai for Bangladesh; Portuguese for Portugal and Brazil, etc. Here in the Philippines, Filipino is our national language.
Filipino language or tagalog is use by the Filipino people in communicating with their countrymen. Tagalog is the basis of our Filipino language. Former President Manuel L Quezon proclaim it and he also known as the "FATHER OF FILIPINO LANGUAGE". He have done thios for the sake of unity in our country and for communicating easily with our fellowmen. Filipino language is also one of the country's identity. I can say this because if you talkFilipino, they can easily identify that you are a Filipino from the Republic of the Philippines.
Other people from different country are coming to the Philippines to learn about our language. Like the Koreans, they come here in our country to learn how to speak Filipino. So, to the Filipino people, let us take good care and use our own language ingood ways.
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